Surf Lifesavers patrol on weekends and public holidays during the patrol season (mid-September to early May) and each day is split over two shifts – morning and afternoon:
Sep, Oct and Nov:
- Morning Patrol: 8:00am – 12.30pm
- Afternoon Patrol: 12.30pm – 5.00pm
Dec and Jan:
- Morning Patrol: 7:00am – 12.30pm
- Afternoon Patrol: 12.30pm – 6.00pm
- Morning Patrol: 8:00am – 12.30pm
- Afternoon Patrol: 12.30pm – 5.00pm
Each surf lifesaver is allocated to a Patrol Group and each Patrol Group is required to have a certain number of award holders (for example, Silver Medallion (Patrol Captain), 3 x Bronze Medallion holders, First Aid and ART holders, IRB Driver and IRB Crew).
A Patrol Roster is drawn up each season taking into account public holidays and carnivals throughout the season. This is released in August each year to allow members to understand their rosters before season commences.
Not assigned to a Patrol Group? If you are already a lifesaver and haven’t been assigned to a Patrol Group, please contact our office.
Interested? If you are not already a surf lifesaver and would like to know more about joining Palm Beach as a patrolling member, please e-mail our Club Administrator or visit our ‘New Members‘ page.
Find your personalised roster through your Members Portal
A quick way to find your roster and download the dates to your own Calendar is through your Members Portal and the Patrols tab. Log in to your Members Portal from your phone, select the Patrols > Patrol Roster menu and look for the ‘Download iCal‘ button.