let us tell you a little bit about ourselves…

Established in 1930, we are proud to be a part of a vibrant, local & loyal Palm Beach community. We are one of 11 clubs in Surf Life Saving Queensland’s Point Danger Branch & our record of no loss of life between our flags still remains today. Our life savers are amazing people!
As the Supporters Club, our priority is to always champion the wonderful contribution of our volunteer lifesavers who are dedicated to protecting Palm Beach beach-goers. We are well known for our warmth & genuine hospitality, our casual function room, our team are ready to welcome you to one of the most iconic surf clubs on the Gold Coast.

we’re BIG on sustainability around here…

At Palm Beach Surf Club we consider caring for our environment a priority. Our surf life saving members have been protecting people in the ocean for decades, it’s our duty to, in turn, protect the ocean from the impact of people.
Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club Sustainability Strategy
At Palm Beach Surf Club, our eco initiatives are anchored in the Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club Sustainability Strategy 2024-2028. We are proud to be one of the first surf clubs in Queensland to consolidate its substantial environmental and sustainability efforts into a comprehensive roadmap.
Over the next five years, we are:
- Establishing a ‘Green Team’ and educational opportunities for environmental leadership.
- Conducting waste and carbon audits for better environmental practices.
- Implementing waste segregation systems to minimise waste.
- Adopting sustainable procurement policies to support eco-friendly choices.
- Installing renewable energy sources for greener operations.
- Exploring sustainable partnership and sponsorship opportunities, and more.
Sustainability strategy progress timeline:
- JULY 2023: We have secured a new power purchasing agreement (CPPA), with electricity sourced 100 per cent from renewables.
- JULY 2023: We are in the process of finalising recommendations for the installation of solar panels.
We implemented sustainability practices into our operation in early 2022 which earned us accreditation as the first surf club in Australia to be certified as ‘Ocean Friendly’ by the Surfrider Foundation. How did we do it?…
- No plastic straws.
- Provision of reusable cutlery.
- Condiments provided in ceramic containers as opposed to single use packaging.
- Removal of waste heavy, plastic wrapped kids activity packs & replaced with eco friendly enviro-educational activity leaflets produced in collaboration with club sponsor GG Enviro.
- No drinks sold or provided in single use plastic containers.
- No vending machines.
- Encouraging suppliers to provide eco friendly packaging options.
- Reusable containers used for food storage.
- 100% compostable coffee cups and lids used at Jeffersons.
- Use of eco friendly cleaning products and reusable cleaning materials.
- Provision of recyclable and co-mingle bins.
- Bottle crusher used for non ‘container scheme’ glass and sent to recycler.
- Coffee cardboard boxes returned to coffee supplier for reuse.
- Opt to repair over replace where possible.
- Reuse scrap paper within the office.
- Partner with not-for-profit environmental groups to run enviro-fun and educational activities for kids.
- Partner with Palm Beach Currumbin High School sustainability team.
- Provide Southern Beaches Community Gardens with green and brown waste for compost where possible.
- Sponsor charity events at the Club for environmental groups such as Surfrider Foundation, Humpbacks & High Rises & Ocean Connect.
- Host beach clean up with Gecko (green week) and Sea Shepherd.
- Partnership with Scouts Australia ‘containers for cash’ program.
- Distribution of excess food to Oz Harvest where possible.
- Fundraising initiatives with local rural fire brigades, QLD Country Women’s Association, Buy a Bale, WIRES.
- Ocean Breeze preference over air conditioning in 80% of venue.
- All lights energy efficient LED lighting.
- Fully compostable coasters (printed via sustainable practices and eco ink).
- Compostable serviettes.